Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Friday, July 06, 2007
alan ziyad hosele neveshtan nadaram, faghat begam dayim az sweden o maman bozorgam az iran daran mian inja too in weekend.
o va ye chiz dige : too ye otaghi o ye alame dar 2ro varete. too jibet ye kilide, begiresh be dast. in kilid vase yeki az oon darhaast. motmaen bash ke peydash koni oon dar mishe baaz.
Thursday, May 24, 2007
I remember it as it was yesterday. I was six years old. Just a kid. Not having any worries, but where, when, and what game to play, not even the constant trips to the doctors office and hospital. My mother always told me: “there’s nothing wrong with you Lohrasp, every kid your age has to go to see the doctor so his mom and dad would be sure there’s nothing wrong with him.” and I believed her. I never even bothered asking my friends if they go to the doctor’s office as much as I do. It was my weekly routine: Each week, a trip to the hospital, where they took some blood from me and a trip to the doctor’s office where he checked me from head to toe.
By the time I seven, I didn’t want to go to the hospital anymore. Our trips increased from once a week, to 3 times a week. Sometimes I even skipped school to go there. I remember the big long tunnel that they made me lie down in, and then there was this ring of light, that kept on turning around me, going up and down my body. I was not allowed to move for 15 minutes. I was always scared of that place. I always thought when they make me go in there, someone is going to lock the door and not let me out and I would have to stay there forever.
I can count every single thread of hair in my mind. One day, they made me take couple of pills and the ring of light was taking more time than usual. It did take longer in the past week, but this time, it was unusually long. We went home after, and my mother kissed me like always and told me its time for bed. I closed my eyes and wished I could spend more time with my friends and fell asleep with this thought. When I woke up in the morning, my bed was full of hair. Full of black, long hair. I was scared. I was thinking to myself where did all this hair come from. I sprinted to a mirror. I had no hair on the random places of my head. I started yelling and crying until my mother ran to me and hugged me and told me everything is going to be ok.
A month after finding all that hair in my bed, I had no more hair to lose. Not on my head. Not on my face. No eyebrows. No eye lashes. I didn’t know what was happening to me, but I always trusted my mother when she told me: “everything is going to be alright” and she was saying that at least ten times a day now. I didn’t go to school anymore. In fact, I didn’t go outside our house and our hospital. Those were my sanctuaries. Every time I stepped out, people kept on looking at me as there was something wrong with me and held their kids close to themselves so they wouldn’t come near me. They even pointed me out. Other kids made fun of me too. They used to tell each other this story that I came from another planet and I was son of an alien. It was ok with me. They could make fun of me. As long as I had those white walls, white sheets and white beds, I didn’t need anyone. I talked to the nurse if I needed a friend and the doctor when I needed a father.
Another year passed. I was a little more than eight years old now. I was supposed to go to grade two. But instead, I was sleeping in the hospital six nights a week, and went home for one night. I was feeling left out by each second passing by. Nurses couldn’t take the place of my friends anymore. The doctor was not my father. The lights were nothing like sun. The books that I read were not grade two books. Everything seemed strange. I felt isolated. Those beautiful white walls seemed like bars to me now. I felt the nurse was enjoying watching me throw up everyday and the doctor didn’t do anything to make me feel better, just because he had the power. I hated everyone. I hated other kids. I constantly thought about how “stupid” they are that make fun of me. I hated their parents. Their eyes were red. They were devils to me. I didn’t want any of them, or their children near me. I was starting to understand: the place where I thought was a heaven, a sanctuary for me, was only disguised as one. No wonder they painted it white, they wanted to hide how black the walls really were and they wanted to make it look as they were trying to make help me grow my hair back. They were all pretending. The sun became boring, the books, annoying. I didn’t want to do anything. I just wanted them to bring me glue and some hair so I could stick it to my head and my eyebrows so I would be normal. But they wouldn’t. My mother always cried and kept on telling me everything was going to be ok. I didn’t trust her anymore. I didn’t want her to touch me, to hug me anymore. She was a liar. Nothing was ok. I was no longer living in the planet which I lived before, they threw me out. I was looking at the planet with all the humans, from space. I was Apollo 17. They threw me out to go to my own planet and I was looking back, at earth while I was going home. To my alien parents. I resented everyone. Their eyes were red. I wanted to get out of that white place and never lay eyes on that color again. But they wouldn’t let me. They kept on telling me everything was going to be ok. They were all lying.
Nine years later I woke up in the morning. Combed my hair and shaved. It was going to be a normal beautiful day, as always. The sun was shining bright. I went to my parent’s room, opened the door, kissed her and told her: “bye mom, I’m goin’ to school. See you in the afternoon.” I stepped outside. Everything was spectacular. Nothing could be any better. Little kids, walking to school, running after each other while their parents told them to slow down. Everyone smiling at me while I passed them by. And my clothes. My stylish, comfortable, good looking white cloths. I wore them three days a week now. They looked so good on me. No, no, I looked so good in them.
Thursday, May 10, 2007
mohem ine ke adam aftab parast bashe.
na baa dade moalem kootaah miyam, na baa khandehaaye maskhareye mardom. va residam be jayi ke bayad miresidam.
babak tooye yahoo 360 am neveshte : age adam ghadre doostaaye ghablisho bedoone va azashoon yaad kone, dige hich vaght ehtiyaj be doostaaye jadid nadare.
[ or at least somthing like that ]
mitoonin fosham bedin yaa bem bekhandin... parirooz too maashin yeki az ahangaaye ebi ro goosh dadam.. hamooni ke mige : "sedam kardi, sedam kardi,nagoo na, agar che saket o khamoosh boodi, to boodi o sedaye to, sedam kard... " va bad az chandin mah, balakhare ye zare gerye kardam.
zange kelas khord... bayad beram...
neveshtam ke begam zendam!
[ahan, rasty, ye sery adam inja behem migan :"you are always good, n so happy!" motmaenam tooye deleshoon migan, baba hade aghal ye chand baar ham asabi o narahat o afsorde besho! zendegi hamash labkhand o khande nist!
Monday, May 07, 2007
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
didam be dide nemiay
umadam sedat bezanam,
didam be dahanam nemiay
umadam bekeshamet,
didam be rang nemiay
umadam beshnavamet,
didam be sedat nemiay
umadam hr kari bokonam,
didam nemishe, nemitoonam
pas in chie ke hamishe daram heset mikonam?
pas in chie ke na mibinamet, na sedat konam, na bekeshamet, ne beshnavamet, vali bedoonam ke hasti??!
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
خسته ام..خیلی وقته ننوشتم..دلم تنگ شده باسه نوشتن..دلم تنگ شده باسه اون روزایی که زرت و زرت می نوشتم..چرت و پرت..دلم تنگ شده باسه اون اولین روزایی که با اروند می رفتیم سیگار می کشیدیم..خسته ام..مریضم..دوباره آمار سیگارم رفته بالا..سرم درد می کنه..با قرص و این جور چیزا درست نمی شم..دلم تنگه..دلم تنگه باسه اون روزایی که 15-10 نفر رو یه تیکه زمین زیر یه درخت که حتی سایه ی درست حسابی هم نداشت می شستن و از آینده که الآن باشه حرف می زدن..دلم تنگه باسه اون باقالی ها..اون کوهی که لهراسپ نیومد..دلم تنگه واسه تولد پویا..دلم تنگه واسه پویا..واسه سینا..واسه ساناز..واسه آیدین..دلم تنگه واسه لهراسپ و نازنین و علی..واسه آذین و نهال..واسه استرسی که هر دفه که می خواستم نازنین رو ببرم بیرون به جفتمون دست می داد..دلم تنگه واسه المپیاد ریاضی..واسه درس ریاضی..واسه پیچوندن کلاس..واسه جشنواره..آخ که چقد دلم تنگه....
روزا میان و میرن..بی خود..بی مصرف..بی هدف..هوا هنوزم سرده..زیر لاحاف..هوا هنوزم سرده..یعنی بهار می آد؟..یعنی تابستون می آد..خسته ام..از درس..از مدرسه..از نگاه های پرمعنای استاد..از بی خبری از لهراسپ و نازنین..از مامانم و بابام..از داداشم..از یه مشت ادم مزخرف دور و برم..خسته ام....
اکنون نیز..چون گذشته..می روم..می روم..می روم..آهسته تر از پیش..می ایستم..به پشت سر نگاه می کنم..خیره می شوم..دوستش دارم..و باز می روم..و باز آهسته تر از پیش..و باز..و باز..شاید روزی..بایستم..همچنین شاید روزی بدوم..اما خسته ام....
در روز های آخر اسفند..وقتی بنفشه ها را..با برگ و ریشه و پیوند و خاک..در جعبه های کوچک چوبین جای می نهند..جوی هزار زمزمه ی درد و انتظار..در سینه می خروشد و بر گونه ها روان....
شاید وقتی دیگر....
آه که چقدرخسته ام....
pas nevesht..:
bad az moddatha khodam ro too ayne niga kardam be khodam migam:
"midooni mikham chikar konam..?...nemidooni ke..."
bad koli fek kardam ke alan man bayad bedoonam ke chikar mikham bokonam ya nabayad bedoonam ke chikar mikham bokonam...!!!!
Friday, February 09, 2007
selate kodam ghasidei
ey ghazal?
setare barane kodam salami
be aftab
az daricheye tarik?
... daram mimiram...
Monday, February 05, 2007
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
emrooz yeki az morabihaaye basketam goft : " hey rasp, every once in a while, smile. would you? "
manam javab dadam : " gimmi somthin to smile bout "
yeki az emtahaanaaye riazim ke az hame sakhttar boode taa alan ro 100 shodam. vali ehsase khoobi behem dast nadad. yeki tozih bede be man chera.
ahange jadid dadim biroon... http://www.4shared.com/file/8866875/6f476aa1/Moarefi.html
har chi minevisam khali nemisham. 2taa essay neveshtam emrooz. vali hanooz khali nashodam.
harvaght inaa farsi fahmidan, vasashoon tozih midam ke farghe independence o reject kardan chiye... taa mogheyi ke yaad nagereftan, bezar eyne in torkaaye boor [ no offence ali ] fekr konan yekiye
be tarze vahshatnaaki too chesham hichi dide nemishe. jalebe ke na khashm dide mishe, na mohabat. khodamo mitarsoonam bazi vaghta.
i dont wanna be a pain in the ass. bemiram az hichkoodoom nakhaham khast ke mano jayi beresoonan. magar inke khodeshoon began biaa beresoonimet... ke oonam sare baziyaa hich rahe digeyi nadaran.
delam vase aftaab tang shode.
khoda rahm kone semester 2vom koonam parast...
beshin montazer i ask you out. too khaab! cheghad inaa roo asaban...
gardanam gerefte... gir karde roo ye halat... takoonesh nemitoonam bedam... migan ye yehafte intoraa insheklie...
hamash be in bastegi dare ke be harchiz cheshekli negah koni. kooram kon baba inaa mano kardan.
hanooz midoonam piadero az madrese taa dame dare khoone, az chantaa block e betoni sakhte shode.
20 baar moohasho zad poshte gooshash. 2 bar az roo sandalish jom khord. 4 baar damaghesho kharoond. 8 baar ghahvasho bardasht, gereft dastesh, azash khord, gozasht roo miz 2bare. 5 baar too chesham negah kard taa ye chizi toosh peyda kone, vali hich chiz peyda nakard.
too filme hamoontor ke be allie ghol dade bood, khoonaro sakht vasash... allie ham chon namehaasho nagerefte bood, raft namzad kard... vali bad axe ino too roozname did, bargasht pishesh... va hame be khoobio khoshi zendegi kardan... taa mogheyi ke too takhte khaab pishe ham mordan. if life was that simple.
dastam roo dokme haa harekat mikone o minevisam. vali bad angoshte koochike rastamo mibaram goosheye keyboard va 2kmeharo negah midaram ta tak take harfaa paak beshe. nemidoonam dige chi benevisam. faghat hoselam sar rafte. na sakhte, na dardnaak, na khoob, na baa mohabat, na garm, na sard, na roshan, na siah.
Saturday, January 06, 2007
jalebe! man bade ye modat ziad, ye 2 rooz, onam har roozesh 1 sa'at haal dashtam ke benebisam; nebeshtam. emrooz ke umadam inja ro didam, be khodam goftam aaaaaaaa che ghadr bayad javab bedam! alanam ke daghighan tu emtehanast. vali ye chizi minebisam va badan haman joz be joz kamel minebisam.
Salehe aizizam! man hich vaght nagoftam ke vaghti to ro baghal mikardam hich hesi behem dast nemidad. man aslan in harfo nazadam. age hesi behem dast nemidad, motmaen bashe lozomi bar anjamesh nemididam va anjamesh nemidadam.
ino vase hame migam. gahi adam doost dare khodesh ba khodesh mokhalefat kone. doost dare dar morede hame chiz ehstebah fekr kone ta inke khalafesh behesh sabet beshe. in ye maho nim in joori bud. rajebe hame Idin, LohrasP, Mahan, Mon Amie, Saleh (be tartibe alefba (ahmagham, na?))
man mikham ye weblog bezanam. tu entekhabe adresesh komakam konid.
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
bi khabar!
ye 6 sali hade aghal vase khodam zendegi mikonam. nemigam az hame miboram, vali kheili forsate bishtari peyda mikonam ke khodamo dorost konam. felan ke khone mokhalefat kardan ke tehran nakhonam. hala yeki beheshon bege mage tehran boodane man tazmine?! etemade ziadi daran. sohbat are natoonestan va toonestan nist. (in ye linke). sohbat sare khastan va nakhastane.
rasti nemidoonam chera va che joorio tavasote che kasi, vali weblogam paak shode. dige nist. lotfan age kesi postaye webloge mano save kare va dare baram befreste. khodam nadarameshon. nemidoonam chi bayad be adami ke in karo karde begam.
bi khabaram. inja dige fasele ham ahamiat nadare. az chizi ke bikhe gooshame bikhabaram. az chizi ke farsang ha fasele daram bahash ham bikhabaram. az chizi ke chan ta pele bahash fasele daram bi khabaram. bi khabar!
7 mahe ke montazeram ye mail ro vasam reply kone va edame bede.
Monday, January 01, 2007
gahi kheili khaste misham. chesham ke ro varaghe ketab tekon mikhore dard migire. miram tu takhtam ke bekhabam. vali khabam nemibare. hezar ta deltanfi miad soragham. ghol dadam ke geryam nagire; be khatere haminam ghabl az inke geryam begire boland misham va dobare shoro mikonam be ketab khondan. in ghadr mikhonam ke ye bar ke cheshamo mibandam ke ye chizio tu zehnam moror konam, khabam mibare. ya shoro mikonam be sms zadano vasate sms zadan khbam mibare (albate injoori ye nafare dige ro un var montazer mizaram). moshaveram ham hanoz bazi chiza ro tu barnamam nazashte. melse teste adabiat, teste dini. baghie mikhonan va hefz mikonan va moalem haye ahmagham az hamona soal midan. darsadashon bala mire. darsaiy ke behem mige test bezanam ham hamoshon zaribe 3k hastan ya 5k va hata bazi vaghta 10k. tu har emtehani ki midam, ye no teste jadid mibinam ke aksaran nemitoonam beheshon javab bedam. darsadam miad paiin. vali mohem nis. man kari ke azam mikhano mikonam. moshaveramo ghabul daram, behesh etminan daram. man bayad 5 maho 28 rooze dige konkor bedam. man chizi ke miiham ro bedast miaram. shyad bad az emtehanaye term yeki doroz raftam jaie ke doost dashte basham. kolan darso 2 roozi tatil konam.gahi kami asabam khord mishe. az yek navakhti ke in konkor dare.