Tuesday, January 31, 2006

mojoodate past

midoonid be che mojoodati past migan?
mojoodate past be mojodati migan ke agar khasti azashon tu azmaieshgah estefade koni va roshoon azmaiesh anjam bedi, ie seri emtiaz dashte bashan, ki chanta sho migam:
ieki inke kheili zood nataieje azmaieshet ro oon mojoode dat zamane kotahi maloom beshe, va alaiemi ke mikhai sari' dar mojood maloom beshe.
dige inke oon mojoodi ke entekhab mikoni az nazare eghtesadi ham be sarfe bashe, yani inke age tuie azmaieshet on mojood az bein raft, az nazare eghtesadi zarari nakoni, sade tar begam on mojoode arzoon bashe.
bazam dige inke tanavobe nasl tu oon mojood ziad bashe; yani inke oon mojoodi ke to entekhab mikoni sari zado valad kone va nasl be voojood biare; in be i dalile ke bazi az azmaiesh ha baiad dar chand nasl baresi beshan.
akharam inke negahdarie oon mojood barat rahat bashe.

alan vaghti ke mikhan ie darooii ro varede bazar konan va ensan ha azash estefade konan, baiad ghablesh ro ie seri mojood ke systeme badanishon shabihe ensane azmaiesh konan, ona heivoona inan: aval mosh, dovom gorbe, sevom sag, chaharo, meimon, 5om shanpanze, dar akharam agar az tamamie in marahel gozasht ghabl az voorood be bazar baiad rooie ensan ham azmaiesh beshe.

ie chizi, fek mikonid ma ham az nazare oon moshi ke maa ensan haa azash be onvane mojoode azmaieshgahi va aspt estefade mikonim, ma ham mitoonim mojoodi past baraie in azmaiesh ha bashim? ba oon ekhtesasati ke bala goftam mojoode past baiad dashte bashe ro az nazare ie mosh baresi konid, mifahmid(bavar konid agar maa adama baraie mojoodate dige mojoode azmaieshgahi boodim kheili be sarfe tar bood baraie hame)

dige inke, man ie blog jadid baz kardam, hala begardid donbalesh

No.2! mojood past tar az man felan nist

Sunday, January 29, 2006


hey, it aint easy to say what u have sworn to your self to keep inside... and it aint surly easy to choose who makes a bigger part of your life...
i rather dont think bout these stuff... u can classify them as much as u like to... but that just aint my style... its like theres a sticker at my life : " u are most welcome to come in... but come in at your own will... i am not responsible for nothing that will, or could happen... ". afterall, ive sayed this a dozen times... im a open book... u just gotta have the gutts, love n care enough to come n read the motherfuckin thing... but i bet u get bored... either that, or youll just think im mad n run away... heh... funny... aint it?! think of it as a token of my good will...

u know your fuckin heartin him/her ... so stop!!! or i will fuckin stop u my self mother fucker... but then of course... u dont even know youre hurtin him/her... do u? heh... u irritate me...

there are two conversations in my previous post that should be deleted... i dont like cuttin anything from the blog that i write in... so ill just apologize to one of them n tell the other one, that ur changed... so u better eraise em both from my world... and that is of course, if you are tryin to picture my world in your mind...
think its pretty obvious wich ones dont blong to my world... but if its still vauge, i will write witch ones o should just ignore in my next post...

hey... just on a trip of goodwill hunting... aint we all?!

Saturday, January 28, 2006


number one.....goosh kon...

"manam kam kam daram past misham......:D"

Thursday, January 26, 2006

hey what up?!

guess ive been invited again... by my first guess... the first person that i thought would invite me, has invited me again... hey, this means u gonno talk to me again???

we were supposed to write bout our world aourd here... right?! well, i aint gonno right it directly first... just look at couple of the conversations that i have at least once a week... cours... its in persian, so ill write it in persian... n gonno give a comment n explonation bout every one... or bout the person...

i gotta tell... i was depressed on this conversation...
-LohrasP, vaghan alan ghaty kardam ke chiro daram vase ide aalam anjam midam, koodoomo vase khodam...
-Jedi?! masalan chi ro azizam?!
-masalan inke nemidoonam dars khoondanam vase residan be ide aalaame, yaa inke doost daram shoghle khoobi peyda konam tooye ayande!!!
-khob masalan koodoom karo vase dele khodet anjaam midi?
-masalan motmaen boodam ini ke behet zang zadam, vase in bood ke khodam delam mikhast ke bezangam behet....
-ahan... khob midooni chi kar bokon azize delam?! hadeaghal be nazareman bayad inkaro bokoni : .....................
-LohrasP, kheyli dooset daram!!!>:D< kheyli delam vasat tang shode bood...
-manam hamin tor azizam...
fuck i needed a knife after this fuckin conversation... i was blowin up n shit... but i sweared not to do this shit again....

after a hard fuckin period of life...
-ta etelaae sanavi. porsidane in soal az man mamnooe!!:D
-ahan... LohrasP, midooni chand vaghte bahat harf nazadam?!
-are... kheyli vaghte!!!
-are... LohrasP, azab vojdan daram...
hey, what can i say?! gotta do this kinda shit too...

-LohrasP chet shode bood?! chera nayoomadi madrese?!
-khob behetoon migam, vali be hich kas nabayad begin...
-bashe! nemigim!
-ghors khordam!
n then i hung up... but niether one of u guys understood it that time... right?! its always like that... aint it?!

3+1 told me that he is beginin to understand what i had told him before... he was beginin to understand, after a 50 min talk on the phone... right?! heh... its always like that...
-chera dary farar mikoni?!
-man daram farar mikonam?!
-are dary farar mikoni...az chi dary farar mikoni?!
-man farar nemikonam, nemitarsam, ghaty nakardam o afsorde nistam!!! zareyi afsorde nistam!!!
-pas chera oon LohrasPi nisty ke mishnakhtam...
-chera nistam?! CHERA NISTAM!!!!???!?!
-are chera nisty?!
-ow... ...............................................
hey... u understand right now... right?! good...

iight... got tired of thinkin what to write, n what not to write... thats the Q. ... so ill just end it right now... iight?!
shit... tell me... should i write in persian so u guys could read it easier, or should i continue writin like this?!

never ever judge a book by its cover...

a couple of days ago, i took a test... a personality test... know what was the result?! heh... guess...it told me that i was an actor... hey... that just a fuckin part of my personality... not the whole of it for my sake... heh...

Wednesday, January 25, 2006


khandam migire ... in logo ro 5shanbeye pish zadam ... un moghe ke ... ok ... bashe shayad khoshetun umad

Friday, January 20, 2006


khob haghighat ke nemidunam che khabare inja ... farda az baghiye bayad beporsam ... nokte ine ke man hatta nemidunam inja chiaro bayad benivisim ...

dar morede oun aks ... khob tahala be harki ya harja ke kheyli morede alagham boudan ye chizi dadam ke arzeshe maaddi nadashtan amma ehtemalan ye yadegari budan ... in aksam az hamin yadegarias age nabayad azin kara bokonam begin

mishe ba frontpage khub doros kard amma ba in vaz fek nakonam hame YEKra'y beshan shayad hamin ghaleb khube

omidvaram hame chi khub beshe

Tuesday, January 17, 2006


man hanooz too falsafeye voojooDe in blog moshkel daram.....aval ino begam...vaghean mazerat mikham ke bad az oon shere besyar ziba az foroogh in post o mizaram...ama khob moshkel daram Dge...
mishe yeki be man bege ma gharare inja chi beneVCm....?age gharare me3 hamoon bloghaye khodemoon beneVCm ke Dge chera inja jam shoDm?(alabte fek konam aghay ya khanoome shomareye 5 alan too hich blogi nemineV3....)
khob man fek konam ke ghaar bood ke ma inja Pramoone ye mozooe khas ke "OUR WORLD" bood beneVCm....lotfan harche saritar javab beDn...ta bad az oon Dge poste Bmarboot nadashte bashim....
rasT mishe beporsam in rangi ke 7 Ntekhab karde neshangare chie....?baba ye rangi Ntekhab kon ke hesso ghashang montaghel kone....

Monday, January 16, 2006

inam mahze tabarrok

براي شروع

خب من هم اومدم ... همين الانشم درست نمي‌دونم كي كيه! بچه ها بهم بزنگين و بگين! اين يك! دو اينكه من به عنوان يك گرافيست حاظر نيستم تو اين قالبِ مسخره بنويسم ... تا شنبه همه وقت دارن فكر كنن ... ايده بدن و ايده‌هاشونو به من بدن تا دُرُسش كنيم

i dont give no Subjects!!!

hey, maybe you just gotta think about it,
like its your last day...
or maybe
it was the best day of your life...
i dont know... u gotta choose...

but all i know, is that i keep on hearin things that tell me to keep on livin...
voices of past...
or even voices of the future...
i dont know, u gotta choose...

isnt everything obvious?! just open your eyes honey...

Sunday, January 15, 2006

khob baraye inke neshoon bedam kheyli faalam ...ye poste dige ham minevisam.....
mishe yeki be man bege ke inja chikar bayad bokonim...?
aha idaw mikhad befahme ke "our world" chie....?
baba ma khodemoon ham nemidoonim....(hoy chera dooroogh migi midooonim....)
aha rasti man mitoonam ohde dare tosife khabar ham besham too in blog(jomle sazio dashtin....?masalan joone khodam farda zaban farsi darim...)
bache ha movafeghin....chakere aghaye gaya...2rost goftam...?

olagha title bezarin Dge....

khob berim...?
auzo be llahe mana shshaytane raGm......
aha na bebakhshin....
اعوذ به الله من الشیطان الرجیم.....
بسم الله....
آقا جون! ما هم اومدیم......