Sunday, April 16, 2006


Delam nemikhast benevisam.yani hade aghal delam nemikhast alan ke daram dars mikhoonam benevisam.dars mikhoonam?are daram dars mikhoonam.chi mikhastam chi shod.mikhastam dars bekhoonam ke be in bahoone hade aghal havasam part bashe.ama bad tar shod.tanha etefaghi ke oftad in bood ke nazanin kheyli kam behem zang mizane.yani az sizdah bedar ke didamesh faghat ye bar zang zade ke oonam chon gooshim silent boode nafahmidam.
Bebin azize delam asabam khoorde.kheyli ham khoorde.are vasat tavalod oomadam biroon taze behem migan khob taghsire khodete mikhasti begi dirtar biam donbalet.alabte chon ma mahano nemishnasim nemizashtima vali khob mikhasti begi dirtar biaym.mikhay asabam rahat bashe?vali na khodamo khat khati oon tanab sorbie ham pamo kabood nemikonam.roo tabe yakh ham nemishinam.haminja deraz mikesham.midoonam chikar bayad bokonm.are alan daram hamoon kar ro mikonam.
Oon vare sal(yani nim saat ghabl az tahvile sal) be khodam goftam sal 85 fekramo azad mkonam .kamtar fekr mikonam.hamoon shab chon ehtemal midadam ke yeki behem zang bezane va dobare fekram mashghool beshe vase sal tahvil zang zad o ba mamanm sohbat kard.mamanam fardash behem goft ke sina zang zade ama man be sina zang nazadam.gozashtam rooz 5e eyd,vaghti ardebil booda. Vaghti fekram be in bood ke sareyn cheghad bozorg shode,ya inke sabalan cheghad khoshgele ya inke nahar chi khordam, oon moghe zang zadambe sina. Khosh bakhtane fekram mashghool nashod.havasam part in mozoo lezat mibordam.
midoonestam hamoon rooz gharare nazanin biad in hal ke mikhastam az sina,az to, az internet farar konam, vali nazanin gonde tar bood[va hast!].az nazanin farar kardam.oon moghe ham riazi mikhoondam.vase vase Olympiad.oomadam goft mikham shimi benevisam.goftam dares dige mishe ye joori barkhord kard ke havasam part bemoone.are. raftam khoonashoon.fahmidam sanaz rafte Bandar.bazam havasam part bood.yani too in maye ha ke==èDIVERT.khob to ba sina oomadi khoonamoon estakhr.kheyli hal kardam.bad az modat ha lohrasP ro mididam.hamooni ke doosesh dashtam.hamoon lohrasPi ke sale aval bahash miraftam park taleghani.hamooni kesale dovom vase jashnvare bahash madrese mipichoondim miraftim dastkeshe jarrahi mikharidim.are hamoon lohrasP bood.shak nadaram.dige az dokhtar harf nemizad.inam gozasht ta vaghti ke ba sina dahan be dahan shodi.bazam eshtebah kardi.yani taghsire sina bood ke bad bardasht koni.vali khob in to boodi ke bazam zood ghezavat kardi.dorost mese hamoon mogheyi ke zadi too paye bahram.midoonam alan mikhay behem begi ke kare dorosti kardi vali man ham baz migam zood ghezavat nakon.khob too sale 85 avail bar fekram mashghoole lohrasP shode bood.fekram mashghoole dokhtar shode bood.narahat boodam. Vali be hich vajh nemitoonestam havasamo part konam.doost nadashtam dobare too ye masiri bioftam ke besham mese to(ino chon emshab behem gofti estefade kardam.gofti taze dari mishi mese man!) vali oftadam.
Inja bood ke bargashtam rasht.pishe shab ta sobh pishesh boodam.behesh goftam shayad in akharin shabi bash eke injoori baghalet injoori deraz nigat konam.akhe oon moghe taze fahmide bodam ke 7 tir bar migardan Vancouver(dorost neveshtam?) ba in hal ke vaasm kheyli sakht bood vali hame chizo vasash tozih dadam.oonam ghabool kard.nemidoonam age kese dige yi ham hamin harfa ro behesh mizad be hamin rahati ghabool mikard?dar har hal oon shab ham ba in hal ke nemikhastam tamoom she,tamoom shod.kheyli oon shabo doost daram.
Madrese ha ke shooroo shod sheyda shooroo in hal ke oon moghe asan vasam mohem naboodvali belakhare majboor boodam energimo vasash sarf konam.are azam energy migereft.kelasaye test shooroo shod.sare baziashoon nemiraftam.dashtam riazi vase inke marhale dovom ghabool vase oon bahoone hayi ke miavordam.faghat vase inke fekram va havasam part bashe.sine kheyli talash kard ke man dars bekhoonam.shayad fekr mikard man azmam ro jazm kardam ke marhaleye dovom ghabool sham.shayad ham midoonest.akhe sina dar morede man kheyli bahooshe.khob door nashim.sanaz vasam az Bandar ye sadaf avorde bood.kheyli khoshgele.fek konam behet neshoon dadam.dobare fekram raft pishe sanaz.hamoon rooza bood ke oon sher ro avale ketab adabiatam khoonadam.shere ghashangi hast.zendegi zibast ey ziba pasand-zende andishan be zibayi resan-anchenan zibast an bibazgasht-kaz barayash mitavan az jan gozasht.kheyli shere bar dige kheyli narahat shodam.hamoon chizi ke mikhastam nashe shode in narahat boodam.vagarna aslant narahat naboodam ke sanaz oono khodeshma goftam age ye mah ghabl oono mikhoondam narahat ke nemishodam hich,khoshhal ham in ham gozasht.raftim vase mosabeghate Iran-Open.oonja aghaye anoush ro ghole aghaye meybodi ye Concert e zende ham baishoon dashtim.sheyda shooroo hamoon oon shab ta hala har rooz baham tamas bargharar karde.nemitonam beroonamesh.nemidoonam chera.doosesh nadaram.azash badam miad.vali nemitoonam begam boro gomsho felen felan shode.oonam dare estefade mikone.shayadam sooe estefade bebkhashid.dobare khodamo adam hesab do jomleye akhir ro az zehnetoon pak har hal man nemikhastam fekram darham bashe.shod.nemikhastam dige ba maman-babam dava konam.hamin doshab ye davaye asasi baham kardim.
lohrasP kheyli vaght bood ke injoori bahat harf nazade boodam.akharinbaresh parsal bood.hamoon moghe ke nazanin taze oomade bood.kheyli injoor sohbata ro doost daram.kheyli kam shode.shayad chon kam shode bishtar doost daram.


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Anonymous said...

nemidonam chera.. haminjori harfaye to o onyeki ro khondam...
chera ehsas kardam bad az khondane in daghon shodam?!
baz bargashtam sare 3-4 mah pisham!?
khaste o daghoon..?!
tarze neveshtaneton bod ya .. shebahate ba'zi az moshkelaton ke sakhti behesh migin...
man fahmidam ba tamame vojodam on jomlato ke gofti"nemidooni cheghad man delam vase harf zadan tang shode!!! harf zadani ke mano aroom kone... na baghiyaro... harf zadani ke mano khali kone, naa vase baghiye javi 2rost kone ke toosh ehsase rahaty konan... labkhandi ke az tahe del bashe, na inke baghiye narahat nashan..."
vaghti hame ridan behet o bar gashti khone baz ye pedaro madari dari ke be hardoshon begi shab bekheir... mage na?!
hamonghad ke to dostat barat moheman .. toam barashon mohemi.. va in behtarin chizie ke mitoni dashte bashi o nemibinish!!
hamonghad ke ehsase badbakhti mikoni chand ta chiz ham hast ke beheshon delet khsoh bashe..
chandta dost .. yeki ke hata mogheyi ke hamejash dard mikone baz bahat harf mizane..
mohem nist
haminjori yechizi neveshtam!!!
jedi nagirin!

sunny said...

man belakhare key mimiram?

mamsaleh said...

aghayooone aziz....lohrasPe aziz...Idawyw aziz...sanaze aziz...nemikhastam hishkoodoometoono narahat konam...ino khoob midoonid...vali narahat shodid...shayadam kam kam darid rahat mishid...harf bezanid...hamatoon...hamamoon...are...mage man harf nazadam...?mage lohrasP harf nazad...hamamoon ye joorayi mese hamim...hame mitoonan harf bezanan...hame mitoonan ba harf zadan aroom goosh kardan rahat behetoon yaghin midam ke age hamatoon harf bezanid...hamatoon harf goosh konid...aroom mishid...lohrasP che eshkal dare ba harf zadane to baghie aroom shan...mage to ba aroom shodane sina aroom nemishi...?mage to ba aroom shodane aidin aroom nemishi...?mage to ba aroom shodane man aroom nemishi...pas harf bezan ke man ehsas konam ke to ham eyne mani...harf bezan ke aroom sham...midooni alan chi be yadam gharar gozashtim ke in blog ro besazim hamin kar ro bokonim...faghat ino gofte boodim ke gharare toosh fosh benevisim...agha man be onvane yeki az admin haye in blog haminja elam mikonam harki...takid mikonam harki ke delesh mikhad khali she biad be man bege man ozvesh mikonam...ghol midam ke baghie be harfesh goosh bedan...ostadam gooshe shenavaye khoobi man ham in gooshe shenava boodano khoob yad dade...hade aghal do nafar be harfatoon khoob goosh harfe to ke bargashti be 3-4 mah pishet...hamoon royi ke yebar to hamin blog neveshti...ya masalan be harfe to ke alan mikhay bemiri...are bia khali sho...
ostad edea mikoni chan rooz harf dari...?man namaradam age ye hafte vare delet nashestam be harfat goosh bedam...khodet behem yad dadi...
khob lohrasP gofti dooost dashtan...gofti mano kheyli doost dari...ino dashte bash:
man adat daram ke ye post mikham benevisam aval too ye daftar che ke makhsoose khodame va kesi joz khodam hagh nadare bekhoonatesh minevisam...hamoonja ham virayeshesh mikonam...akhare in poste alharam injoori bood...:
lohrasP-Sina-aidin...kheyli doosetoon daram....BEFAHM!!!!
inam mennt gozashtan saretoon...lohrasP migi dishab ta davazdah[tavajoh kon nemikham begam zoroam] dishab nakhabidam...tooye dame khooneye mahan ina ta khooneye hamish e faghat chan deyghe rah bood va dishab be nim saat tool keshid...babam faghat harf mizad...bad mamanam harf mizad...bad migoft khob saleh khodet gofti 9 biaym donbalet...bad mamanam migoft taze babat be mahan ina goft ke khodet khasti dorostesh ene talape goh hamoon aghab lamide boodam...hmin joori harf zadan...residim khoone kallamo kardam zire ab...sarde sard...akhe{some text missing}...bad chepidam too otagham...babam oon biroon hey migoft ah inam ke shoo`oor jaye inke tashakor kone oomadim donblesh bama ghahre...dar hali ghahr naboodam...tebghe mamool too otagham tamargide boodam...hey harf zad...manam aslan be rooye khodam nayavordam...oona khabidan...daghighan 10 deyghe be 11 bood...nim saat bad dadasham raftam too hal...hey neveshtam ...hey neveshtam....hey neveshtam...saat shod 4e sob...babam bidar shod davaye koochooloo ham ba oon chera biar moondam...
nemidooanm inaro vase chi neveshtam...khali nashodam...vali age nemigoftam too galoom gir mikard...mede koli chize dige ke nemizare nafas bekesham....

mamsaleh said...
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mamsaleh said...

rasti sanaz kheyli vaght bood ke azam khabar nadashti...vase hamin bood..vase in bood ke age khabar dar mishodi bebkhashida vali ride mishod be halet...ino ghablan ham gofte boodam...ghabl az sal tahvil goftam ke shayad age az man khabar nadahste bashid beytare....;)

Anonymous said...

onjori nemishe 7wiw! mishe "N"wiw
alanam ye ghorobe ahmaghanas to ye roze tatil.. tanhayi! khob dars khondan sakhte baram!
engar bad az khondane in postet o javabe onyeki mesle kasi ke kotak khorde bashe rooye sandalie jeloye pc oftadam o nemitonam khodamo tekon bedam..

sunny said...
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sunny said...

saleh...fagaht poste to nabood ke in rikhtim chand roozie hamine in hal badim ba poste to o commente oonyeki dobare bala 10000001 dalile fekr mikonam harf keshidan az man sakht inke bayad begam shayad age ghable eid baham harf mizadi behtar bood..............................shabe ghable sal tahvil too fekre to boodam khabam man delam mikhad bemiram...doa mikonam.....................................................................................................................................hoy ba hsomam...delam mikhad bahatoon harf bezanam...HOY BA TO AM ...BIA BA MAN HARF BEZAN (((KHALASAM))) KON..........hoy ba khodamam: zoodtar sharet rahat sham!!!!!! ye donya donya tike pareye donya khorde hsisheye donya ghete....puzzle..............inja ham sard ast ham to am ke kari...mishnavi????????????na na....u'r breakin my heart.........

sunny said...
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mamsaleh said...

sanaz vaghean mikham bebinamet...har che vaghti begoo ta man biam...bayad bebinamet...!

mamsaleh said...
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Anonymous said...

saat 2:44 e bad az nime shab
khabam nemiad..khodamo ba ketab mashghol mikonam nemishe
hava garme cheghad...
connect..aval az hame miam inja.
chera? nemidonam shayad ye ehsasayi peyda kardam ke mese khodaman...
shayad dge az neveshtehaye jadidam ke kasi nemifahmateshon..hata khodam dge beheshon hich hesi joz hamon saniyeye aval nadaram khaste shodam
vali yeki injaro bekhone
avalin soali ke to zehnesh miad ine..
che moshkele hameganiyie ke hameye inayi ke to in comment gozashtan daghon karde .. v kari karde ke ehtiyaj be khali shodan daran...
vaghan hadafeshon yekie ? ya moshkeleshon?!!
ama ehsase gonah chie lohrasp?!

Anonymous said...

huh .. mesle inke saate pcm daghone!
3:53-4e !! LOL

7 said...

ehsase gonah be khatere inke hameye inaro vel kardam... yani be hamashoon ye joori zarbe zadam... che khaste, che nakhaste...ziyad ham zarbe zadam o kheyli badi kardam too haghe hamashoon!!! adama az oonaa kheyli bishtaran... vali khob... chi begam...

mamsaleh said...

nemidoonam chera vali ehsas mikonam khodeto daste kam gerefti lohrasP

sunny said...

chi bayad begam vaghan???????????????????????emrooz dashtam ye tasmima iy migereftam.........ama mese inke hanooz mohkameshoon nakardam...............................alan dige dare eine rooz vasam roshan mishan siahia!!!!!!!mifahmi???????
khob bezar 7 ino behet begam ke daghighan oon ghesmat ba to boodam ke goftam bia baham harf bezano khalasam eshtebah kardam ke behet goftam eshtebah kardi ke bavar kardi vaghti behem gofti ke bala mese oon jaryanaye ghabli naboodi....hata bala acordaneto bad az 1 saal faghat dar rabete ba to comp am o khamoosh kardam(yani mikhastam in karo in estelahe khamoosh kardane comp ro saleh balade) daste tto behem puzzle miresid...midooni puzzle chie???masalan hamin posta...hamin jomle ha..........har kodoomesh ye ghete ya ye nesfe ghete ast..................bayadam ino begam ke asan doost nadashtam inja jolo hame in harfa ro bezanam bade in hame modat ...bade in hame sabr...bade in hame too khodam rikhtan.......ama man dar marze naboodi am tarjih midam yekhorde b ehtiati konam ..shayad halam behtar she.........cheghad harf daram vase goftan...khodamam nemidoonam....ina ro doost nadaram too blogam benevisam...oonja harfa khoob nistan.................................lohrasp gahi too zehnam behet migoftam ke mishe lotf konio gooreto kolan az zendegie man gom koni?!!!!!!va bad be khodam migoftam na ...vabad..bala paiyn ..bala pegah ina ro nemigoftam davam mikard...moalem bazi vasam dar miovord dar hali ke man bishtar midoonestam azash too in masale...ya age fekr mikardam ke harfash mitoone komakam bashe be khatere lahne badesh monsaref niloo 2ta hamishe migan: khobma chi begim khodet hamishe behtar midooni!!..........bad az in ham etalash baraye aroom shodanam taze be inja residam...................................lohrasp delam nemikhast..HICHVAGHT... ke ino behet begam ama dige nemitoonamnagam: Daghoonam kardi lohrasp...daghoon............hamoontor ke ye rooz behtar az har kasi abadam kardi ghatre ghatreye khoonamo mek zadi ..................................................hanoozam delam mikhad behet begam ke to kasif nisti...................chon jedi behet IMAN fekr mikonam ke in alan barat mafhoome doorie.....................delamo shekoondi lohrasp etemadam kardi...najoor........................................hala age doost dari e be in fekr nakoni ke hameye in kara iy ke kardi ba zendegie sanazi bood ke age 2rooz bahash harf nemizadi hang mikardi...hade aghal be in fekr kon ke in zendegie ye adam bood...........shayad hagh ba hsayad man daram be ye royaye pooch chang mizanam ke lohrasp khoobe aghele.................vali alan bayad begam: khoda biamorzatesh!!!che nemitooni befahmi ke cheghad goftanesh vasam vahshatnake.........................................................midoonid tasmime emroozam chi bood...................dorost vaghti ehsasesh kardam ke saghar kenaram neshast bood: na nemitoonam bebinam ke hata to ye joora y delgir beshi az man.....are ..hata age ye rooz bebinam ke rabetat dare ba lohrasp beham mikhore komaket mikonam......................................................................................vase haminas ke delam mikhad bemiaram...............intori ke man hastam nemishe zendegi kard........adam nemitoone bedoone inke badi kone zende bemoone.....age ye khorde fekr konid behem hagh hamishe say kardam raje be in etefagha ba saleho sina sohbat nakonam...chon ehsas mikardam dar har hal man behtar a zoona mitoonam khodamo control hamishe oonghadr drad dashtan ke nemikhastam darde manam bekeshan...ya age ye vaght delam mikhast harf seri chiza raz bood...nabayad migoftamehsoon................are tasmimam in bood: mikham pamo az zendegitoon belesham biroon ...sagharo man daghoonam.....................................hey yasaman ye harfam vase to daram:agar fekr kardi baraye shenidane harf hayat.....baraye anke payam ra dar hozcheye khaterat bekhisanam...boghz nakardam, eshtebah delam gereft, yadam amad, gham sar gereft.........................................................................................................ahan inam tamame in modat...har vaght asbaam khoord bood pooyan on bood.... ba inke azash khosham inke vaghan hich rabti beham nadarim.....ama har bar ke asabam khoord mishod bahahs ba inke hich chize khasi nemigoft aroomam mikard......................azat mamnoonam.......pegaho saleh o sina o niloo ham doosetoon daram vavasam komak harf..........................zajrhaye lahze lahze ronemsihe kalamekard too inja gonjoond..........bebakhshid ke ina ro goftam...ama .....shod dge.....................................................................................delammikhad az zendegim gooreto gom koni...delammikhad manam gooramo gomkonam.........................................doos daram khastegimo dar konam.......................................................

sunny said...
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Anonymous said...

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The Triple Crown, like so many of our best traditions, wasn't created, it grew into being. During the late 1800's three different tracks created races to test the new crop of three year olds. These three races, the Belmont Stakes, the Preakness and the Kentucky Derby were held in the same year for the first time in 1875. It wasn't until 44 years later that Sir Barton (1919) became the first horse to win all three. The term, Triple Crown, wasn't coined until 1930 when Daily Racing Form's columnist, Charles Hatton, used it while covering Gallant Fox's winning efforts.

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My final selection, and surely few will question this one, is a certain Dennis Law. 'The King' or the 'Lawman' as he was affectionately known played for Manchester United between 1962 and 1973. During that time he played for United a total of 409 times, scoring an impressive 237 goals. Law won European Footballer of the year in 1965, during a season in which he top-scored for Manchester Utd with 28 and helped them to win their first league title since Munich.. [url=]manchester united[/url] For many people, Manchester United is not only a great football team but one of the city’s premier ambassadors to the world. With this as background, United is probably the more popular of the two Manchester football teams, wouldn’t you think? [url=]michael carrick[/url] Back in the Newton Heath era, the kits were made up of yellow and green stitched sections (1878 - 1892), and looked a bit like a jockey's silks. Some additional colour schemes were also employed such as a red and white shirt (1892-1894) paired with blue shorts. This all changed in 1902 when the club changed its name to Manchester United, the club radically altered the kit colours to red shirts, white shorts and black socks. This colour palette has been the foundation of the home strip ever since. The away strip is white jerseys, black shorts and white socks however different looks to this strip have existed. The most notorious of these was the all-grey strip employed in the 1995-1996 campaign. The club did not win a single game when sporting the grey shirts. The team were vociferous in their claims that the drab colour meant they had difficulty seeing their team-mates, hence passes were being sprayed all over the pitch! Another variation was the all-black kit used in 1994 and 2003. There is also a "Third Strip". This shirt which is not often used, is an homage to the kit worn when the club won the 1968 European Cup. The team has occasionally used the strips employed for training sessions in actual matches although this has been a rare occurence.

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